In most states in the US, the car dealership made it mandatory for their customers to show proof of their car insurance for their new vehicle before driving off their new car. This is for a good reason, to protect the car owner and the car dealer who does not want any portion of the blame get crashed just five miles down the road.

It is advised for new car owners to opt for a full coverage auto insurance which includes policies regarding collision and comprehensive insurance. But it can only cover the car in specific situations.


Car owners who already have insurance for a vehicle can only get temporary coverage for their new car for a limited time. Always ask your insurance provider questions bothering you on car insurance office near me. If you discover that your current car insurance does not cover a new vehicle, then there will be no need to inform your insurance company before buying a new car. But you will need to inform them as soon as you purchase the new car to avoid unnecessary disputes.

According to insurance laws in most states, you are mandated to inform your insurance provider about the purchase of any additional vehicle between 0-30 days after purchase. However, if you fail to inform them with this grace period, you can end up driving your car without insurance thereafter.

However, it is crucial to know beforehand if your extended coverage includes comprehensive and collision. In case it doesn’t, you will be asked by your financial leasing company to add such coverage to your new car policy with immediate effect.


In a situation whereby there is no policy, you should endeavor to get a car insurance quote while you are still shopping for your new car. You wouldn’t want to be in a dilemma whereby you discovered that you couldn’t afford insurance on a new car after buying it. That is why you should be on the lookout for car insurance office near me to purchase your car insurance from before heading to the dealers.


Most car insurance policies can only extend coverage to a new car if it in replacement of a vehicle on the same policy. For instance, if your old car had only liability coverage, it will be the same for the new car. If this is the case for your new car, then inform your insurance provider to add the new car to your policy with a collision and comprehensive coverage before driving the car from the point of purchase.

Aside from these, there are also some car insurance companies that provide a comprehension and collision coverage for a new car for just a few days after purchase, usually between two to four days. Such a limited coverage gives you the chance to get home from the dealership store and call the insurer. This is mostly useful when you are buying the new car on the weekend, and you can’t contact your insurance provider for the add till weekday.


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